--> 25 Natural & Easy Kitchen Cleaning Hacks (no Scrubbing Involved)

25 Natural & Easy Kitchen Cleaning Hacks (no scrubbing involved)

Don’t like to use chemical products to clean your kitchen?

No worries.

These simple kitchen cleaning hacks and solutions will help you keep your cooking equipment and surroundings clean.

Many of the tips you can find here use items already available at home.

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Kitchen cleaning hacks
Kitchen cleaning hacks to simplify your cleaning routine

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25 Kitchen Cleaning Hacks You Will Love!

We all love a cleaning tip and if is done with natural and cheap ingredients we love them even more.

We are going back to basics, using ingredients that have been used for generations because they work. The main stars are 3 ingredients that we always have at home: vinegar, baking soda, and lemon.

Cleaning disclaimer 1

1. Dirty Oven

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda inside the oven. Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle and sprinkle on the stain. The mixture will produce foam and dissolve dirt. Wipe with a warm damp cloth.

CLEAN OVEN: Baking soda + white vinegar

2. Burned Pots

Add two glasses of white vinegar and 1/4 water to the pot and boil for a few seconds. Remove from the cooker and add two spoons of baking soda. Leave to act and wash the pot.

BURNED POTS; White vinegar + water + baking soda

3. Microwave: Clean & Deodorize

Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bowl of water and add a toothpick. Run at full power for one minute, then clean the inside with a cloth.

Another way is to cut 2 lemons in half and place them face down into a bowl of water with a toothpick. Run at full power for a minute.

SPARKLING MICROWAVE: Lemon juice + toothpick + water

4. Smelly Fridge

Place a brewed cold tea bag in a small bowl of baking soda. Place the bowl inside the fridge.

SMELLY FRIDGE: Tea bag + baking soda

5. Dirty Dishwasher

Place a cup with white vinegar on the top rack of the dishwasher and run empty in a complete and hot cycle.


✅ Do you want to keep your dishwasher sparkling clean and smelling great? Check these helpful dishwasher cleaning hacks.

6. Unblock the Sink

This tip is from wisebread. The article recommends mixing half a cup of table salt with half a cup of baking soda and pouring the mixture down the drain. Leave for up to 20 minutes and then pour hot water down the drain.

Another way is to pour one bottle of coke down the drain and wait 15 minutes before running the water.

UNBLOCK SINK: Baking soda + table salt | Coke + water

7. Sparkling Stainless Steel

To make it shine again use wax for furniture and clean the exterior to give it a dazzling shine.

Another way you can use is to sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda in the stainless steel sink. Clean with a scouring pad and rinse to get your sink to shine like a mirror.

STAINLESS STEEL SHINE: Wax furniture or baking soda + scouring pad

8. Greasy Hood Filter

In a big enough container pour warm water and add 1/4 baking soda and one or two spoons of de-greasing dish soap. Stir and submerge the hood filter. Leave for about 15 to 30 minutes. Rub with a small brush to eliminate any remaining dirt.

GREASY HOOD FILTER: Warm water + baking soda + de-greasing dish soap

9. To Clean Tile Floors

To keep your kitchen floor spotless add a spoon of baking soda to hot water. If you want it to smell good too, try adding a trickle of fabric softener, or a few drops of your favorite essential oil. I like lavender or lemon.

DIRTY TILE FLOORS: Baking soda + hot water + fabric softener or essential oil.

RELATED ARTICLE: how to clean and disinfect floors

10. Greasy Kitchen Cabinets

It is almost inevitable to get your kitchen cabinets all greased up. Easily remove grease with some hot water and dish soap. Since dish soap is made of alkaline, it dissolves the grease naturally.

Mix a small amount in a container with hot water (best to use gloves). Use a nylon scouring pad to gently scrub the surface, then leave it to air dry.

GREASY CABINETS: Hot water + dish soap + scouring pad

Related article: how to clean greasy kitchen cabinets naturally

11. Clean Kitchen Granite Countertops

If you don’t want to use commercial granite cleaners, make your own with dish detergent and rubbing alcohol. Avoid acidic cleaners as this may damage the granite.

GRANITE COUNTER-TOPS: Dish detergent + rubbing alcohol

Eco-friendly granite cleaner:

12. Clean Your Wooden Cabinets

A simple solution of equal parts vinegar and water can help dissolve any grease on your wooden cabinets.

Spray it on the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it clean with a soft cloth. For extra stubborn grease, mix a bit of dish soap, vinegar, and water.

WOODEN CABINETS: Vinegar + dish soap + water

13. Keep Glassware Sparkling

To keep glassware from bad smells and hard water stains, add the juice of one lemon to the dishwasher. Allow it to dry completely before taking it from the dishwasher.

SPARKLING GLASSWARE: Lemon juice + dishwasher

14. Remove Grease From Kitchen Tiles

Clean your tiles using an all-natural, homemade mix of vinegar or lemon juice and hot water. Spray a thin layer over the tiles and wipe clean after a few minutes. The acid cuts through the grease while still being gentle enough not to damage your tiles.

GREASY KITCHEN TILES: Vinegar + warm water or lemon juice + warm water

15. Remove Kitchen Grout Tiles

Baking soda can also help to remove grout from between tiles. Sprinkle the soda over the affected areas then spray with either cleaning vinegar or bleach. Let it sit for a few minutes, during which you should see it fizzling away.

Scrub the dirt off. Just be careful about letting it sit too long as it can add to the existing problem if left alone.

KITCHEN TILES GROUT: Baking soda + white vinegar

16. Stove Burners

Stove burners tend to get embarrassingly dirty after several cooking sessions. Scrubbing them can take too much time and effort, but with a bit of ammonia, the grease stains are no match.

Just wrap the burners in a ziplock bag with a small amount of ammonia and leave them on a cookie sheet outdoors overnight. The next day you can easily wipe it clean with a sponge.

CLEAN STOVE BURNERS: Ziplock bag + ammonia

17. Clean a Smelly Sink or Drain

Drains can also contain plenty of bacteria, which can also cause smelly doors. To remove them, sprinkle your sink with baking soda and line them with paper towels soaked with vinegar.

Let sit for around 20 minutes then dispose of the towels. You may clean your sink and faucet as usual.

SMELLY SINK: Baking soda + paper towels + vinegar

18. Make Your Faucets Shine Like New

Remove hard water and other kinds of stains easily with a solution of white vinegar and baking soda. Put a bit of the mixture in a plastic bag and use it to cover the faucet and other metal fixtures. You can secure it with rubber bands. After an hour you should easily be able to wipe off the stains with a sponge or toothbrush.

SHINY FAUCETS: White vinegar + baking soda + plastic bag + toothbrush

20. Remove Tea & Coffee Stains from Cups

With time our favorite cups and mugs get stained with coffee or tea. To remove them just fill the cups with one spoon of baking soda and warm water. Leave for about 10 minutes and clean with a scouring pad. Rinse. Repeat if the marks are persistent.

MUG COFFEE STAINS: Baking soda + warm water + scouring pad

21. Clean Hardwood Floors

Clean your hardwood floors with this mixture: 2 tablespoons of dish soap, ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar, and about 4 liters of hot water.

HARDWOOD FLOORS: Dish soap + apple cider vinegar + hot water

22. Easy Way To Clean Grill

This cleaning hack works best if the grill is still warm. Cut an onion in half and rub it over the grill racks until all the grease has dissolved.


23. Clean the Cutting Board

For a clean and odor-free cutting board, sprinkle salt all over the cutting board and rub it with a lemon cut in half. Leave for 5 minutes and rinse.


24. Super Clean Cheese Grater

Cheese graters are, somehow, difficult to clean. If the grater is stacked with bits of cheese use this easy cleaning hack: grate a potato and rinse. Bye-bye cheese!


25. Blender Cleaning Hack

If you having trouble cleaning parts of the blender that are more difficult to reach, like the blades, use this trick. Fill the blender with soapy warm water, put the lid on, and leave it on for up to 1 minute, depending on how dirty it is. Rinse well.

CLEAN BLENDER: Warm water + dish soap

Other home cleaning hacks to make cleaning your home easier:

I use these cleaning kitchen hacks often because they save me time, money, and sometimes, my sanity. If you have your own kitchen cleaning tips, please feel free to share them below. Thanks!

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